Thursday, February 10, 2011


Recently we celebrated Leyton's great-grandma's 80th birthdays.  We are very blessed to still have both of Todd's grandmas in the area, and a part of Leyton's life.  They both turned 80 within weeks of each other, and it was a beautiful chance for me to reflect on the beauty of life, and lessons learned that make our elders so wise. 
There is so much I want Leyton to remember about them, and unfortunately most of those memories will come from what we tell him. 

So here it goes...

 This is the face of aged beauty.  Of years spent loving people, sometimes until it hurts, and smiling along the way. These wrinkles are the result of tears of joy and tears of sadness, worrying about her children, and trying to be everything to everyone.  These eyes view the world with a peace that God is in control of every situation.  If everyone viewed the world like she does, it would be a much better place.

This heart is filled with love for "her babies".  She took her role as grandma seriously, which rubbed off on your Mamaw.  Your dad has fond memories of he and your aunt Jodie riding their bikes over the bridge and just down the street to spend the night with their grandma.  They would wake up to the smell of fresh sausage and the most delicious fried potatoes they have ever tasted. She never missed a graduation or birthday, and was a regular at volleyball games, basketball games and baseball tournaments.  She was one of their biggest fans! To this day, we don't visit her without immediately having to hand you over so she can love on you. 

 This is the hug of a strong woman.  A woman who saw her dear husband and loving father to their two daughters leave this world much too soon. Many years later she faced loss again, learning to navigate life on her own.  I wasn't around during this time, but I'm confident that she mourned with grace, probably helping others before dealing with her own grief. She took comfort in the words from the huge Bible that sits on her dresser, a reminder that the "Big Man Upstairs" knows what she needs each day.

I will probably spend my entire life trying to make mashed potatoes like Grandma Kelly's, and honestly, I have no expectations of being successful. I'm convinced there is an extra ingredient of love I just can't match.

So, Grandma and Great-Grandma's, we love you, and appreciate both the seen and unseen things you have done to bring us to this point, and make us who we are.

And if Heaven forbid, this should be the last birthday we celebrate together, we can look back at a beautiful afternoon of laughter, playing some serious cards, and lots of hugs and kisses.

....but I have a feeling there will be many more!