Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Alpha Blog...Joy of Love

And so it begins. Blogging. Not because I think that anyone even cares that much to read about our lives everyday, or that I feel I am inspiring, eloquent writer whose words move people.  I mainly decided to start blogging because I want Leyton (you'll hear alot about him) to have some documentation of his childhood. I was the third child, and I give my mom some serious credit for sticking with the baby book thing. Leyton is 8 months old and I have all of 3 pages of his baby book completed. Ridiculous, I know, but life gets ahead of you. Which leads me to now. 

Life has been a whirlwind since his birth.  I blinked and we were home from the hospital.  I blinked again (which is what sleep felt like some nights) and he was three months old.  You get the picture.  I already miss my baby. He doesn't even want me to rock him to sleep anymore.  The only way I have to document the life and times of our crazy man is with pictures.  That is the other reason I have decided to start a blog.

When we were talking about having kids, I mentioned that I wanted a "good" camera.  Now I had no idea what that camera was at the time, but after many nights of google searching and reading photography blogs I found what I thought I would need.  Todd made me promise that if I took all of Leyton's pictures with our camera that we could get one.  From there I was hooked.  I wanted to know more and more about how to capture each smile, each laugh and each glance.  I became addicted to photography blogs, then blogs about crafts, etc.  If only I had the time to do everything I want to. 

One of the ways I'm trying to grow as a photographer is by participating in workshops.  The first one is called "Joy of Love", and it's great for me because it teaches me more about documenting those I love.  Each day of the month of February we are challenged to shoot a certain aspect of our subjects.  Here are the first two days and what I caught of my boys...
              I love to watch him play with his toys. This one is mommy's favorite: a piano!
Leyton also loves eating his socks.
These are just a few of the many faces that make us smile, and remind us to be thankful each day that we have been blessed with a happy healthy baby. 

I must say, I thought originally I would be participating in this workshop to see each day's lesson's and stalk everyone else's pictures, all the while feeling that mine weren't good enough to share. If I'm ever going to grow as a photographer or just a mommy with a camera, I have to be vulnerable to sharing my work, good or bad, and letting people help me.  If you've stumbled upon this blog because of the Joy of Love, PLEASE share some helpful comments!! 

Oh yeah, and some help on how to get the URL on here would be great!

1 comment:

  1. I had the same problem with the Joy button! The html didn't work for me! Stink. Welcome to the blog world! The only scrapbook you will EVER need. I just printed my first year and I LOVE it. A family heirloom.
